Project Details
This list of references got started and was curated by Sergiu Hart until 1999/2000. We thank him for letting us continue this job, and André Casajus for some references. For further additions and suggestions, please contact gametheory.online !
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- Casajus, A. (2011), Differential marginality, van den Brink fairness, and the Shapley value, in: Theory and Decision 71 (2), 163-174.
- Casajus, A. (2012), Amalgamating players, symmetry, and the Banzhaf value, in: International Journal of Game Theory 41 (3), 497-515.
- Casajus, A. (2014), Collusion, quarrel, and the Banzhaf value, in: International Journal of Game Theory 43 (1), 2014, 1-11.
- Casajus, A. (2018), Symmetry, mutual dependence, and the weighted Shapley values, in: Journal of Economic Theory 178, 105-123.
- Casajus, A. (2019), Relaxations of symmetry and the weighted Shapley values, in: Economics Letters, forthcoming.
- Casajus, A., & Huettner, F. (2013). Null players, solidarity, and the egalitarian Shapley values. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 49(1), 58-61.
- Casajus, A., & Huettner, F. (2014). Weakly monotonic solutions for cooperative games. Journal of Economic Theory, 154, 162-172.
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