Project Details
The following list contains online courses about Game Theory:
Game Theory by Matthew O. Jackson, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Yoav Shoham
Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind," game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Beyond what we call `games' in common language, such as chess, poker, soccer, etc., it includes the modeling of conflict among nations, political campaigns, competition among firms, and trading behavior in markets such as the NYSE. How could you begin to model keyword auctions, and peer to peer file-sharing networks, without accounting for the incentives of the people using them? The course will provide the basics: representing games and strategies, the extensive form (which computer scientists call game trees), Bayesian games (modeling things like auctions), repeated and stochastic games, and more. We'll include a variety of examples including classic games and a few applications.
This course is aimed at students, researchers, and practitioners who wish to understand more about strategic interactions. You must be comfortable with mathematical thinking and rigorous arguments.
Game Theory II by Matthew O. Jackson, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Yoav Shoham
Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind", game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Over four weeks of lectures, this advanced course considers how to design interactions between agents in order to achieve good social outcomes. Three main topics are covered: social choice theory (i.e., collective decision making and voting systems), mechanism design, and auctions.
This course is based on advanced undergraduate and masters level material and is aimed at researchers, students, and practitioners who wish to learn more about game theory and mechanism design. This course is a follow up to our first Game Theory course, and it presumes that the students are comfortable with the material from that course.
Introuduction to Game Theory by Michihiro Kandori, University of Tokyo
This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. Our main goal is to understand the basic ideas behind the key concepts in game theory, such as equilibrium, rationality, and cooperation. The course uses very little mathematics, and it is ideal for those who are looking for a conceptual introduction to game theory.
Business competition, political campaigns, the struggle for existence by animals and plants, and so on, can all be regarded as a kind of “game,” in which individuals try to do their best against others. Game theory provides a general framework to describe and analyze how individuals behave in such “strategic” situations.
This course is aimed at the beginners of economics and game theory: - No prior knowledge of economics or game theory is required. - No knowledge of math beyond simple arithmetic is required.
Games People Play: Thinking Strategically with Game Theory
This is a practical applied course in game theory, that's about thinking strategically in any life situation, personal or professional:
- Game Theory: Almost every interaction we engage in involves participants with some level of conflict all trying to achieve their own goals. Game theory provides a scientific framework to analyze these situations and identify the best way forward.
- Thinking Strategically: Game theory requires you to analyze the motivations of every player, their value systems, strengths and weaknesses and how all of these interact with each other.
Platform: Udemy
Game Theory: How Cooperation and Competition Work
As we watch the news each day, many of us ask ourselves why people can't cooperate, work together for economic prosperity and security for all, against war, why can't we come together against the degradation of our environment? But in strong contrast to this, the central question in the study of human evolution is why humans are so extraordinary cooperative as compared with many other creatures. In most primate groups, competition is the norm, but humans form vast complex systems of cooperation.
This course will be particularly relevant to those in the area of economics, business management and anyone with an interest in the social sciences
The Game Theory - John Nash
The insight of a beautiful mind. Learn how game theory can be used in everyday life.
In this masterclass Nobel Prize winner John Nash, one of the most famous scientists of our time, takes us into the heart of the theory of games.
Is it possible to build a mathematical model of behavior from a game of chess?
An innovative theory for understanding the elaborate strategies that underlie the choices of men. A rational approach that has become a point of reference in many different fields, from economics to psychology to political science.
LEADERSHIP Psychology: Simple Strategies from Game Theory!
Game Theory models and analyzes Interdependence, Cooperation Competition and Conflict, and this has given rise to powerful concepts and Strategies. These strategies are extremely necessary and useful for Leaders and Managers, and everyone else too!
Basic Concepts in Game Theory and Psychology can help us analyze situations of conflict and cooperation rigorously, rationally and even mathematically! Armed with information from the recent research and studies in these areas, you can soon become a force to reckon with, and upgrade your Leadership Skills and Management Strategies significantly.
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