Project Details
This is a list of Experimental Economic Labs of the world around the world (please get in touch if your lab is missing!):
Name | Country | City | Short name | University |
Research Unit in Behavioural Economics and Neuroeconomics | South Africa | Cape Town | RUBEN | University of Cape Town |
AWI-Lab | Germany | Heidelberg | AWI-Lab | University of Heidelberg |
Business and Economic Research Laboratory | Germany | Paderborn | BaER-Lab | University of Paderborn |
Chair of Applied Research in Economics | Germany | Konstanz | University of Konstanz | |
Cologne Laboratory of Economic Research | Germany | Cologne | University of Cologne | |
Essen Laboratory for Experimental Economics | Germany | Essen | ELFE | University of Duisburg-Essen |
EXperimental Economicsat Clausthal University of Technology | Germany | Clausthal-Zellerfeld | ExECUTe | Clausthal University of Technology |
Experimental lab | Germany | Oldenburg | Center for SocSci Methodology University Oldenburg | |
Experimentallabor des Lehrstuhls | Germany | Kiel | Christian Albrecht Universitat | |
Institute of Economics | Germany | Jena | Max Planck Institute of Economics Jena | |
Laboratorium fur Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung | Germany | Bonn | BonnEconLab | Universitat Bonn |
Laboratory for Economic Research | Germany | Osnabrück | LaER | University of Osnabrück |
Laboratory for Experimental Economics | Germany | Erfurt | eLab | Universitat Erfurt |
Magdeburg Laboratory for experimental Economics | Germany | Magdeburg | MaXLab | Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg |
mlab | Germany | Mannheim | mlab | Universitat Mannheim |
Munich Expe Lab for Economic and Social Sciences | Germany | Munich | MELESSA | University of Munich (LMU) |
Passau Experimental Laboratory | Germany | Passau | PAULA | Passau University |
Ruhr-University-Bochum Lab for Experimental Economics | Germany | Bochum | RUBex | Ruhr University |
Bussiness Experimental Research Laboratory | Australia | Sydney | BizLab | University of New South Wales |
Economic Experiments | Australia | Sydney | EEL | University of Sydney |
Experimental Economics Laboratory at the University of Melbourne | Australia | Melbourne | E²MU Lab | Department of Economics of the University of Melbourne |
Monash Laboratory for Experimental Economics | Australia | Clayton | MonLEE | Department of Economics, Monash University, Australia |
The Aton Experimental Economics Laboratory | Australia | Melbourne | AEELab | Independent |
Center for Experimental Economics | Austria | Innsbruck | INN LAB | Institute of Public Finance (University of Innsbruck) |
Max Jung Laboratory | Austria | Graz | University of Graz | |
Vienna Center for Experimental Economics | Austria | Vienna | VCEE | University of Vienna |
Center for Experimental Research | Austria | Vienna | WULABS | Vienna University of Economics and Business |
Behavioral Sciences Research Lab | Canada | Edmonton | University of Alberta, School of Business | |
Behavioural & Experimental Economics Laboratory | Canada | Calgary, Al | CBEEL | University of Calgary |
Laboratoire d'Economie Experimentale | Canada | Montreal | CIRANO | Centre Univer de recherche en analyse des organisations |
McMaster Experimental Economics Laboratory | Canada | Hamilton, Ontario | McEEL | McMaster University |
Experimental Social Science Laboratory | China | Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | |
Finance and Economics Experimental Laboratory | China | Xiamen | FEEL | Xiamen University |
Smith Experimental Economics Lab | China | Shanghai | SJTU Smith Experimental Economics Research Center | |
Laboratorio de Economía Experimental | Costa Rica | Cartago | LEX-TEC | Costa Rica Institute of Technology |
Internet Laboratory for Experimental Economics | Denmark | Copenhagen | iLEE | Depart of Economics at the University of Copenhagen |
Laboratory for Experimental Economics | Denmark | Copenhagen | LEE | Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen |
Social Science Experimental Laboratory | United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi | SSEL | New York University Abu Dhabi |
Bilbao-Laboratory of Experimental Analysis | Spain | Bilbao | Bilbao-LABEAN | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea |
Granada Lab of Behavioral Economics | Spain | Granada | GLOBE | Universidad de Granada |
Laboratorio de Economía Experimental | Spain | Castellon | LEE | Universitat Jaume I |
Behavioral Sciences Laboratory | Spain | Barcelona | BESLab | Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Laboratori d'Economia Experimental del IAE | Spain | Barcelona | Institut d'Analysi Economica Universit Autonoma Barcelona | |
Laboratory for Research in Experimental Economics | Spain | Valencia | LINEEX | School of Economics, University of Valencia |
The Laboratory for Theoretical and Experimental Economics | Spain | Alicante | LaTEx | University of Alicante |
Appalachian Experimental Economics Laboratory | United States | Boone | APPEEL | Department of Economics at Appalachian State University |
Behavioral Business Research Laboratories | United States | Fayetteville, AR | BBRL | University of Arkansas Walton College |
California Social Science Experimental Laboratory | United States | Los Angeles | CASSEL | UCLA University of California, Los Angeles |
Caltech Social Science Experimental Laboratory | United States | Caltech | SSEL | California Institute of Technology |
Center for Behavioral & Experimental Ec. Science | United States | Dallas | CBEES | University of Texas Dallas |
Center for Experimental Social Science | United States | New York | C.E.S.S. | New York University |
Center for Neuroeconomics Studies | United States | Claremont, CA | CNS | Claremont Graduate University |
Computable Laboratory for Experimental Research | United States | Boston, MA | CLER | Harvard Business School |
Consumer Decision Making Lab | United States | New Haven | eLab | The Yale School of Management |
Dean's Behavioral Economics Laboratory | United States | Atlanta | DBEL | Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University |
Debra Paget and Jeffrey Berg Business Simulation Laboratory | United States | Ithaca, New York | BSL | Cornell University Johnson School |
Organizational Behavior Laboratory | United States | Tucson | DBL | Eller College of Management, University of Arizona |
Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory | United States | Pittsburgh | DDMLab | Carnegie Mellon University |
Economic Research Laboratory | United States | Texas | ERL | Texas A&M University |
Economic Science Laboratory | United States | Tucson | ESL | Eller College of Management, University of Arizona |
OSU Experimental Economics at the Ohio State University | United States | Columbus, Ohio | Ohio State University, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences | |
Economics Laboratory | United States | La Jolla, San Diego | University of California San Diego, Dpt of Economics | |
EXperimental Economics CENter | United States | Atlanta | EXCEN | Georgia State University |
Experimental Economics Lab at the University of Maryland | United States | College Park, MD | EEL-UMD | University of Maryland |
Experimental Social Science at Florida State | United States | Tallahassee | xs/fs lab | Florida State University |
Griffin Experimental Economics Laboratory | United States | Evansville | University of Southern Indiana | |
Harvard Decision Science Laboratory | United States | Cambridge, MA | HDSL | Harvard University |
Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science | United States | Arlington | ICES | George Mason University |
Laboratory for Experimental Economics and Political Science | United States | Caltech | EEPS | California Institute of Technology |
Laboratory for Experimental Economics University of Delaware | United States | Newark, Delaware | University of Delaware | |
Laboratory for Rational Decision Making | United States | Ithaca | Cornell University College of Human Ecology | |
Economic Science Institute Laboratory | United States | Orange, California | ESI | Economic Sciences Institute at Chapman University |
Learning & Experimental Economics Projects | United States | Santa Cruz | LEEPS | Economics Department at the University of California |
LMU Experimental Economics Lab | United States | Los Angeles | Econlab | Loyola Marymount University |
Laboratory for Research in Experimental Economics | United States | Dallas | LREE | Southern Methodist University |
Mississippi Experimental Research Laboratory | United States | Oxford, MS | MERL | Ole Miss Department of Economics |
Missouri Social Science Experimental Laboratory | United States | Saint Louis | MISSEL | Washington University |
Pittsburgh Experimental Economics Laboratory | United States | Pittsburgh | P.E.E.L. | University of Pittsburg |
Policy Simulation Laboratory | United States | Kingston, RI | SimLab | University of Rhode Island |
Decision and Economic Sciences Lab | United States | Piscataway, NJ | DESL | Rutgers University |
Princeton Experimental Laboratory for the Social Sciences | United States | Princeton | PExL | Princeton University |
Social and Behavioral Sciences Laboratory | United States | Minneapolis | SBSL | College of Liberal Arts University of Minnesota |
Social Science Experimental Laboratory | United States | Caltech | SSEL | UCLA, Caltech, and the National Science Foundation |
St Lawrence Experimental Economics Laboratory | United States | Canton, NY | St Lawrence university Economics | |
The Cleve E. Willis Experimental Economics Laboratory and Endowment | United States | Amherst | University of Massachusetts Amherst | |
The Experimental Social Science Laboratory | United States | Berkeley | XLab | University of California, Berkeley |
The Interdisciplinary Experimental Laboratory | United States | Bloomington | IELab | Indiana University |
The Lab for Experimental Economics & Decision Research | United States | Ithaca | LEEDR | Applied Economics & Management at Cornell University |
The Laboratory for Economics Management and Auctions | United States | State College, PA | LEMA | Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business |
Olin Behavioral Lab | United States | St Louis | Olin Business School Washington University | |
The UCSB Experimental and Behavioral Economics Laboratory | United States | Santa Barbara | EBEL | UCSB University of California |
UAA Experimental Economics Laboratory | United States | Anchorage | University of Alaska | |
University of Hawaii Laboratory for Computer-Mediated Experiments and the Study of Culture | United States | Honolulu | HCXC | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
VCU Experimental Laboratory for Economic and Business Research | United States | Richmond VA | VCU-ELEBR | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Vecon Lab Market | United States | Charlottesville | VeconLab | University of Virginia |
Vernon Smith Experimental Economics Lab | United States | West Lafayette | VSEEL | Purdue University |
Wharton Behavioral Laboratory | United States | Philadelphia | WBL | Wharton University of Pennsylvania |
Decision Making Laboratory of PCRC | Finland | Turku | PCRClab | Public Choice Research Centre, University of Turku |
Groupe d'Analyse et de Theorie Economique | France | Lyon | GATE | Universite Lyon 2 |
INSEAD Social Science Research Centre | France | Paris | ISSRC | INSEAD |
Laboratoire d'Economie Appliquee de Grenoble | France | Grenoble | GAEL | INRA / Universite Pierre Mendes France |
Center for Environmental Economics | France | Motpellier | CEE-M | Universite Montpellier |
Laboratoire d'Economie Experimentale de Paris | France | Paris | L.E.E.P. |
Universite Paris 1 |
ESSEC Experimental Lab | France | Cergy-Pontoise | ESSEC | ESSEC Business School |
LABoratoire d'EXperimentation en sciences sociales | France | Rennes | LABEX | Universite de Rennes 1 |
Laboratoire d'Economie Experimentale de Strasbourg | France | Strasbourg | LEES | BETA (Bureau d'Economie Theorique et Appliquee) |
Centro Vernon Smith of Experimental Economics | Guatemala | Guatemala | CVS | Universidad Francisco Marroquín |
Center for Experimental Business Research | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | cEBR | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. |
CityUHK Experimental Economics Laboratory | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | CEEL | City University of Hong Kong, college of Bussiness |
Behavioral Research Laboratory | Israel | Haifa | Technion -Israel Institute of Technology | |
BGU Experimental Economics Laboratory | Israel | Beer Sheva | BGU EEL | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Interactive Decision Laboratory | Israel | Jerusalem | RatioLab | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Behavioral and Experimental Economics Lab | Italy | Firenze | BEELab | Universita di Firenze |
Bologna Laboratory for Experiments in Social Sciences | Italy | Bologna | BLESS | University of Bologna |
Centro d'Economia Sperimentale A Roma Est | Italy | Roma | CESARE | LUISS University of Rome |
Computable and Experimental Economics Laboratory | Italy | Trento | CEEL | Universta degli Studi di Trento |
Experimental Economics Lab of the University of Milano Bicocca | Italy | Milano | EELAB | University of Milano Bicocca |
Experimental Economics Laboratory | Italy | Siena | LabSi | University of Siena |
InterUniversity Center For Experimental Economics | Italy | Sienna | DEPFID | DepT of Economic Policy, Finance and Development |
Laboratorio di Economia Sperimentale | Italy | Alessandria | AL.EX | Universita del Piemonte Orientale |
Laboratorio di Economia Sperimentale | Italy | Bologne | LES | Alma Mater Studorium Universita di Bologna |
Laboratorio di Ricerca in Economia Sperimentale di Salerno | Italy | Salerno | LabESS | UniSa - Universita degli Studi di Salerno |
Osaka Labs | Japan | Osaka | Osaka University | |
Busara Center fo Behavioral Economics | Kenya | Nairobi | ||
OEconlab- Oslo Economics Laboratory | Norway | Oslo | OEconlab | University of Oslo, Department of Economics |
Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality | Norway | Bergen | FAIR | Norwegian School of Economics |
Centre for Gambling Studies | New Zealand | Auckland | University of Auckland?s Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences | |
Behavioral and Experimental Economics Laboratory | Netherlands | Maastricht | BEElab | Maastricht University |
Center for Research in Exp Eco and Pol Decision-making | Netherlands | Amsterdam | CREED | University of Amsterdam |
Experimental Laboratory for Sociology and Economics | Netherlands | Utrecht | ELSE | Utrecht University |
NSM Decision Lab | Netherlands | Nijmegen | NSM-DL | Radboud University - Nijmegen School of Management |
The Business and Economic Research Institute | Netherlands | Tilburg | CentERlab | Tilburg University |
Laboratory of Experimental Economics | Poland | Warsaw | LEE | University of Warsaw |
Laboratory of Experimental Economics | Czech Republic | Prague | LEE | University of Economics in Prague |
The Bank Austria Mobile Experimental Lab | Czech Republic | Prague | BA-PEL | Charles University and the Academy of Sciences |
Behavioural Lab for Research & Teaching | United Kingdom | London | BL | LSE |
Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science | United Kingdom | Norwich | CBESS | University of East Anglia |
Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics | United Kingdom | Nottingham | CeDEx | University of Nottingham.School of Economics |
Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution | United Kingdom | London | ELSE | University College London |
Centre for Experimental Economics | United Kingdom | York | EXEC | University of York |
Experimental Economics Laboratory | United Kingdom | London | ExpReSS Lab | University of London Royal Holloway |
Finance and Economics Experimental Laboratory at Exeter | United Kingdom | Exeter | FEELE | School of Business and Economics University of Exeter |
Nuffield Centre for Experimental Social Sciences | United Kingdom | Oxford | CESS | Nuffield College University of Oxford |
Oxford eXperimental laboratory | United Kingdom | Oxford | OXlab | University of Oxford |
Behavioural Science Lab | United Kingdom | Coventry | Warwick University - Economics Department & CSGR | |
The Scottish Experimental Economics Laboratory | United Kingdom | Aberdeen | SEEL | University of Aberdeen |
Lancaster Experimental Economics Laboratory | United Kingdom | Lancaster | LExEL | Lancaster University |
Institute for empirical Research in Economics | Switzerland | Zurich | University of Zurich | |
Web Experimental Psychology Lab | Switzerland | Zurich | Web Lab | Psychological Institute University of Zurich |
Laboratory for experimental and behavioral economics | Switzerland | Zurich | Univeristy of Zurich | |
Bilgi Economics Lab of Istanbul | Turkey | Istanbul | BELIS | Istanbul Bilgi University |
Turkey | Ankara | METU | Middle East Technical University |
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